So, Would This Be A Dress or Nightgown Set??


VFG Member
VFG Past President
I am thinking 70s since it is a heavy knit with oodles of lace. No labels at all. What do you think? It certainly could be worn as a dress since you can't see through it.

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hmmm.It certainly has a lingerie feel to it, but I sure don't remember nightgowns being this substantial in the 70s. Not that that is definitive by any means!

If it's opaque, I think you could certainly market it as a 1970s lingerie inspired dress.

It says nightgown to me, but if it's heavy enough you could certainly market it as a dress.

I think without the jacket you could easily say the design is a lingerie inspired dress but could be easily worn to bed if the need arose that you just didn't want to get out of the thing b/c it is so comfortable!!!!

Or roll out of bed and *Bingo* your dressed for the day!!!! :P
I think this was originally sold as lingerie Linda, but from the looks of it
you could definitely market it as a dress. Very pretty.

I agree.. lingerie, that can be cross marketed as a very trendy dress right now.

the lace and style looks early 70s Barbizon to me, i have a similar one but without the pretty tiered skirt. Barbizon did alot of those beautiful bed jackets.

Linda, is it a poly satin? it looks it in the pictures.
I do believe your on to something. I remembered before I put my items in storage that I have a Gay Gibson dress that looks like lingerie but I think it was marketed has a dress. Have more research to do on it when my house is finsihed being built.
Could it be that whole Gunne/Renn maid influence?

Or could this be more substantial/embellished because it was a "better" brand or for a bridal trousseau?
Really cute set, Linda! The dress part without the jacket definitely could be "lingerie as dress." Looking very much like a 70's hippie-style piece. With the jacket, it is a very nice lingerie ensemble. (Now it could be roll out of bed and you're dressed for the day; in the 70s it likely would have been go out to dinner and you're ready for bed, too....)