Some vintage questions - not fashion


VFG Member
I volunteer at a thrift store once a week and they have asked me to sell some things for them online.

What do they call these little silhouettes on glass with a colored background? The glass curves out - and era?


This is a sweet doll - kind of a cousin to raggedy ann - any ideas on type/name/era?

And what do you suppose this is? It’s made of leather and I think it might be quite recent. For holding documents?

I've seen those referred to simply as silhouette pictures. They pretty much dated 1930s-50s. Yours looks late 30s. I have a few with scotties.

Clueless about the other 2.
um the last one looks like a holder for a kinfe maybe? very recent and just for various things from my experience. I have seen some like this all over "flea markets"

Ive seen butterfly knifes, glass pipes, and other oddities stored in them. just good all around for storage. I am not sure if it has a more speific use though, I would be curious to find out?

also let mw know when you list the picture... I am very interested in it!!!!

Thank you!
I have two of those dolls from my childhood. (Yikes, dating myself! LOL) I don't know where they came from but I simply know I've had them since I can remember. My best guess would be mid 1950s to early 1960s. The plastic on the face is rather brittle (I think it's celluloid) - one of mine is cracked from getting crushed sometime along the way. :cry: Of course, she was hauled/dragged around everywhere for years. My guess is that this particular one was my first doll.

Mine are entirely stuffed with straw and the limbs are a little more proportionally sized. My guess would be that they are about 2ft tall. Both have yarn ... well, more like mop string hair. One has long, like, shoulder length hair with bangs and the other has a cloth bonnet and only bangs. They're carefully stored (can't get rid of my old dolls!) and if they weren't in the box at the bottom of the stack, I'd post a photo.

I don't know if there is a specific name for this type of doll, but I did learn that some were made in Poland.

Diana --> has already gotten the Barbies out to play with last week ...
I'm with FuzzieLizzie, as far as I know, silhouette pictures are called just that. Mostly made in the 30s/40s.

I was at an antique mall in rural Illinois a couple of years ago. It was the strangest thing, at least 1/3 of the booths had those silhouette pictures in them. Some of them quite large. They were all so cool. I ended up buying a smaller one (about 4x5 inches). I assume that there must have been a factory that made them nearby?? Here's an artsy picture of mine...

<img src=>
What a coincidence, I just packed one of those silhouette pictures yesterday for storage.

here's what I've called these before when listing.

Colonial Couple Silhouette Convex Bubble Glass

I would date yours to the 30s as well.

Your doll looks late 40s to me and I would say celluloid too!
I thought the leather tube looked like something similar I had as an art student for carrying paint brushes - although mine was boring black plastic and not hand-crafted leather. That might appeal to crafty Etsyians!

And it has a kind of Celtic knot design on it, I reckon.

Didn't everyone's great granny have the silhouette pics in her house? Next to the sofa picture of the kids chasing the water sprinkler fire wagon and the old dude praying over his meager bowl of soup.

I'd bet the leather thing is a Renaissance fair purchase. If it had a strap it could be for carrying ye ol' car keys and cell phone while playing peasant boy in the field behind the cultural center. :D