Some vintage style advice from some vintage people...


Staff member
VFG Past President parents! For Mother's Day I wrote a blog about my mother, and I just wrote about style traits of my mother and father. Lots of old images here in my blog, I thought some might enjoy!
Thank you for reading! Yes Mary, Iowan all the way. My parents both attended the University of Iowa.
What a sweet, smart and loving post, Maggie! Neat idea to organize it into illustrated fashion guidelines.

Three cheers for the Wilds family!
Maggie, that was so wonderful.. and brilliant the way you incorporated the tips and pictures...

but the one about your mom was so loving. what a sweet and touching tribute.

you do look alot like your mom! she was beautiful.
Really? I have much in common with my father...but not his distinguished nose!

Marty, a couple of years ago I took my mother's sewing machine into a repair shop to have anything done it needed and came back to find nothing needed to be done. This machine is charmed!