I will sometimes, but it's a very different thing to real vintage.
I am more interested in those that authentically recreate old styles, using old patterns, (and, oh joy, resize them, for tall, busty, broad-hipped, big footed me). Rather than vintage-inspired with a modern twist, which is what I find at Topshop and Miss Selfridge. I have one Topshop sort-of 50s style dress (though I bought it in a charity shop, not in Topshop! which says a lot about my shopping style). It's almost like a pastiche of a 50s dress, really fun, and I love wearing it, but it couldn't be mistaken for the real thing.
I am a big fan of What Katie Did lingerie, authentically 40s/50s styled underwear, and that's because I don't have a hope of getting vintage bras to fit me. They research and use vintage lingerie patterns, the attention to detail is great. The same goes for shoes. If I could buy them vintage, I would! But UK size 8 doesn't seem to exist in vintage - I even had trouble buying it new in the 80s.
There's a few retro UK brands I haven't bought from yet, but am thinking about: Vivien of Holloway, do classic/sexy 50s style wiggle and prom dresses in plain colours; Freddies of Pinewood, for 40s/50s style denim jeans and dungarees; dressmaker sallycdesigns, who recreates late Victorian ballgowns and day dresses - I bought a bustle from her, to wear under a real Victorian dress; Opera Opera for spectacles. I also looked at a VFG member's site the other day, Blue Velvet, who had retro lines in addition to the vintage, which looked wonderful. They all fill a gap in the market for stuff that's harder to find in real vintage, especially in larger sizes.
But these are different from the 'vintagey' stuff of the high street.
Topshop though, have an genuine original vintage section in their Oxford Street store, or they used to, which is unusual in a chain store.