Somebody's knocking off the vintage...


Those whores didnt even do a good job lol.... sorry for the rant but thats my issue with vintage reproduction it SUX....

But on the plus side, at least they are putting the desire for the styles into main stream, so in a way good for us?
Yeah it doensn't hurt. But I feel like I am Skitzo.... I am a gemini......when I see vintage inspiration. Part of me is happy and excited and another part is depressed becuase it is not done as good today.

I am working hard to change that! One day...muhhaaa haaaaa

I just feel like some of the others, they could have at least bought the piece to study it to get it more accurate, or I guess there is the slight possibility of coincidence or they may have the same vintage dress. I have seen some exactly like mine out there.

I had a dress that went for autcion at $320 bucks and saw another one listed like 6 months later (it was different bigger in size) but the exact same one but it had been shortened. Not only that I have seen two of my dresses in my personal collection. One in a movie and one on Cold case. So I guess it is possible :-)

Still lovely dress and I will always prefer the original!