Originally posted by chezmov
the_merchant_of_vintage is what I may end up doing - thanks, Harriet!!!
I do tend to get annoyed when I'm searching and have to remember things like underscores; so I'll sleep on it for a bit.
Underscores can make it easier to read if you are advertising on printed paper.
I'm Hopping Mad that Someone is Using The Merchant of Vintage Vintage - hmmm, a wee bit long, don't ya think?
23 letters longer than most yes , my commercial domain is 21 letters long, no one has much problem ... hopefully!
It's worse than I thought. themerchantofvintage sells paparazzi photos - NOT EVEN (insert expletive) VINTAGE!!!
Is that legal?
You could tell Ebay and see what happens.. but they might not do anything... pull one or two items.
or you could wait until he puts up a photo of "A" list celebrity in a compromising photo then inform the record company and hope they have a staff lawyer who wants to do some creeping in the company!
Here in the UK there is a privacy law , but has he broken that?.
Or if you wanted to really try and close him down then if the photo originally came from a news paper who bought a full set and only used certain one .
then track down the newspaper and tell them they have a leek in the photo department and that could be a copy write thing.
if that did not work then you could give that info to a rival newspaper, they might love having one over on the opposition... Embarrassment often works well.
Ebay also do not like press coverage for selling having immoral auctions on , the press has exposed EBay here for selling free charity tickets with someone making a profit.
A lot of work and simple to change your name!