something like a button


Registered Guest
hello! I acquired this piece inside of a bag of buttons from an estate sale but am not sure what this piece is called as it is not really a button. It is mother of pearl with an intricate metal relief that is fastened with metal thru the shell. It is 1.5" x 1.5". What is it called and when is it from? Also, how was it used? Thanks in advance for any help!


  • mop2.jpg
    167.8 KB · Views: 273
I bet the metal is sterling - have you tried cleaning it? You will have to be careful with what you use because a lot of cleaners could harm the mother of pearl. Try an abrasive rather than a chemical based cleaner - maybe a bit of toothpaste on a Q-tip?
It looks like the sort of plaques I have seen mounted on late 19th century red, blue, gold, or green crushed velvet boxes and fancy items like address books or jewellery containers.
I have not tried cleaning it as I was afraid of damaging it but might give it a try with a polishing cloth. I also think it looks like sterling but it isn't marked in any way. I hadn't thought that it might not be garment related but now that you mention a plaque that could be mounted on an item such as a box or book I can definitely see that it might be that. I really love mysteries like this (mystery to me anyway). I find it so exciting to buy a bag of buttons or other interesting parts and pieces and then dig thru it to see what turns up. So addicting! I guess that's why I haven't gotten bored with the business of vintage for 20 plus years! Thanks for your input Jonathan and Msgrossmyer.
That is lovely! And if a polishing cloth doesn't do a suitable job on the metal, I second Jonathan's idea of a wee bit of toothpaste on a q-tip, being careful to not also "clean" the MOP.

Based on the images of this piece, I'm wondering if it could have been mounted on a more specific type of book or box, such as a keepsake box (one that would hold love letters/notes, jewelry given by the sweetheart, and other such mementos) or album designed for wedding photos and keepsakes.