Something that yellowed when bleached...and the solution


Staff member
VFG Past President
Have you ever tried bleaching something that you thought would withstand bleach and it turned quite yellow almost instantly?

I have a red wool gabardine suit with a detachable white collar and cuffs, and the collar is asymmetrical, rather unusual. I thought these were all cotton, but apparently they aren't (possibly cotton and rayon), because when bleached they turned something like saffron yellow.

I tried a number of things to bring them back to white, but what worked completely was
Carbona Color Run Remover.

I thought I'd pass this on in case someone else (besides me) has given up on items for this very reason.
Glad if it helps!

Good to know that Rit also makes a product like this may be more widely available.
I don't know, Suzanne. If you have no other solutions to try, it would be worth an experiment.