sorry, i am clueless about this shoe


VFG Secretary
earlier, later?
first i thought 30's, then 40's - i've skipped 50's and am currently contemplating 60's...
i'm just clueless today, sorry - my brain is shutting down for the night so any thoughts very welcome. TIA!!:)

I think they may be 70s with that wooden heel. Hopefully, Jonathan will happen by to set us straight.

Here is something about the Selby Shoe Company, formally Drew.
You know i was thinking that too with the stacked heel...but didn't really know if the stacked heels occurred prior to that. I am certainly no expert.
thanks guys - and i just reread the title: it is a pair of shoes btw, not just one shoe... :duh:

i think i'll put them back on the shelf for a bit, but i'm agreeing on the granny shoe thing! whatever they are they're nice quality, leather soles etc., so i'll hang onto them for now. i think this weeks ebay listings are going to have to be no brainers -i'm really out of the habit!
The term Granny Chic has been working for me!

What does the bottom of sole look like? Leather sole ?? The bottom of the heel, can you see tiny nails or is it a just a flat or covered surface?
hi queenie:hiya:
leather sole, with little nails in the heel - which is what made me think they were a little older when i first picked them up. i just got confused by the squared off toe - otherwise i would have thought they were 30's-40's!