Spanish Haute Couture Vargas Ochagavia Suit, more info and inevitably.. what is it worth?


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Certified newbie here (to the forums, not to vintage clothing). I have a Vargas Ochagavía suit from the 1960's. All the information I've found says that it was one of the spanish couture labels in the 1950's, but most of the information has been in Spanish so I would like to know a little more about the label. I can't find any record of a price paid for one of these, I don't know if that's because they are so rare or because no one is interested. Anyone have an idea of what this item would be worth?

I usually sell on Etsy but I am afraid of listing it for too low, and someone taking advantage of my ignorance. Also, if it's such a rare or I guess I should say "obscure" label, I wont have much luck on Ebay. In addition, I'm not sure what the best venue for selling it would be because I feel like Spanish fashion aficionados probably aren't strolling around ebay or etsy looking for their countries treasures. Can someone advise me?

No shysters please.


I like 'obscure' - that is right word. Sometimes when something isn't common enough there isn't a market for it, or the market is somewhere else. I suspect there might be interest in this in Spain. There are a couple of fashion museums there. I have a bit more info for you about the label but not much:

Vargas Ochagavía is actually Jesus Vargas Corral (born 1915) and Emilio Ochagavia (born 1919). They opened a salon and presented their first collection in 1947 but because of Franco and the poor Spanish economy, grew very slowly. They won awards at the World's Fair in Brussels in 1958 and by the late 1960s, with the new Spanish economy, were finally large enough to employ a staff of up to fifty workers. That's all I have in my notes. I don't know if they are still in business or not.
I found something else in my notes related to another Spanish designer that suggests Vargas Ochagavia was closed by the mid 1970s, but I don't have a specific date.
Great info Jonathan! And "obscure" is an excellent word to apply to some of these labels which are
little known. Cute suit and I think your best selling venue would be Etsy. As to price, that I'm not
sure of.
just a note on the phrase haute couture. that has a specific meaning, and doesn't apply here. to be haute couture, the designer/house has to have been a member of the chambre syndicale de la couture parisienne.

i really like those pocket details.
Fabulous, another Spanish Label. I do hope you are gathering these for a book Jonathan. I sure would buy it.
Nice suit Threadechoes
I don't have the language skills for a book about Spanish design (I struggle with French!) However Spain's contribution to modern fashion will be in the book on 1960s fashion I am writing now but it won't talk about individual labels so much