Speaking of Gloves


VFG Member
<img src=http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/suestuff/glovesgray3.jpg>

<img src=http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/suestuff/glovesgray1.jpg>

What do you call this length glove? It's approx 14 1/4 inches from the tip of the middle finger to the bottom.

Also, which picture to use for gallery?

I just shot a gaggle of gloves today, with my 8th grader neighbor as the model. Some of the gloves were too small even for her! Man they used to make ladies smaller, that's for sure!
I have Victorian kid opera length gloves that would not have fit my children as toddlers.

I wondered if they were to carry casually in your hand or lay on the table as you came to call....to IMPLY that your hands could actually be that small? They were paper thin, and people did use glove stretchers...but still!
I didn't realize that. I have a tall niece and she is 10 years old. I was going to use her to model some gloves I have but her hands were way too big. So I have her 8 year old sister doing them for me.
One brand new leather ones I have no idea how small the hands would have to be.
It truly must be the hormones in our food.