was checking the forecast for 2009 color palettes, this is how FashionTrendSetters have them categorized:
TOMORROWLAND: An urban mood, in pale, bleached and artificial colors, teamed with the softness of grey-cast neutrals, and crossed by grating flashy colors.
IN PROCESS: Grey-cast neutrals, cement, clay, recycled paper, slate or metal powder. Medium shades set off by a white accent, contrasted with earthy darks.
POWER FULL: Mysterious and night-time shadows and austere faux blacks that catch the light are enriched by shimmering glints and livened up by vivid accents of electric light.
ELECTROCHOC: Saturated brights, sulphur, electric blue, flashy orange, purple pink to twist with color ed greys and classics. To wear in pop or cubist style color blocks. :icon_wall:
was checking the forecast for 2009 color palettes, this is how FashionTrendSetters have them categorized:
TOMORROWLAND: An urban mood, in pale, bleached and artificial colors, teamed with the softness of grey-cast neutrals, and crossed by grating flashy colors.
IN PROCESS: Grey-cast neutrals, cement, clay, recycled paper, slate or metal powder. Medium shades set off by a white accent, contrasted with earthy darks.
POWER FULL: Mysterious and night-time shadows and austere faux blacks that catch the light are enriched by shimmering glints and livened up by vivid accents of electric light.
ELECTROCHOC: Saturated brights, sulphur, electric blue, flashy orange, purple pink to twist with color ed greys and classics. To wear in pop or cubist style color blocks. :icon_wall: