st margaret hosiery ?

I have not been able to find any info on this company. I believe this may come from Leicester where there is a St Margaret's Pasture (and behind the woman shepardess is a pastoral setting) and... the staple trade is hosiery, an old-established industry...

Does anyone have any info on this company?

Many thanks!

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That comes from where I am! :D

Leicester used to be the center of the hosier, corsetry and clothing industry in England since the 18th century until the 1980's when all the factories closed down and sent everything to be made cheaply in China and India.
St Margaret hosiery was made by Corah's and the building is still there (I think) across from the bus station but it's used for something else now, it's right in the city center though (I'm in the 'burbs in the countryside).
Here is a link showing how Leicester looks like and all about Corah and St.Margaret's works:

St. Magaret's pasture though isn't a pasture anymore though. It's now a dumpy industrial area of town with car dealerships, yucky industrial units and new trendy yuppie housing in old warehouses. The only remnant of the pasture is a tiny park with an equally tiny running track in it!

I have a whole book on the Corah company that I got here but I used to see the same book in Montreal at used book shops everynow and then before I moved over here.

:D You certainly moved to the right area, Lei!

Thanks so much for all the info. I'll be on the lookout for the book. I'm selling this for a friend and I wanted to find some info on it before doing so - you certainly provided plenty!!! May I quote and credit you?

After closer inspection her staff is actually a needle - I think - and perhaps the building way off in the background is the original factory. Do you think 50s 60s is about right for this paperweight?

Off to read more on the link you provided. Thanks again!
Sure go ahead although I'm sure that you have some Leicester historian (of which there seems to be more than enough in Leicestershire) write to you on Ebay and tell you all about Corah's, Leicester and St. Margarets too!! :)
Make sure you put Leicestershire, Leicester, hosiery, St. Margarets works somewhere in your auction too, there are lots of people (mostly men!) who collect Leicester things- I'm 99.9% sure that will come back here to a guy although I might have a bid too since it's clothing and Leicesters related. :D
