1. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    An article from the Washington Post...
    (As a subscriber, I get a number of free shares per month, so this should not be behind a paywall.)

    Another reason to love vintage fashion!

    How to stop stains and keep your clothes out of the landfill

    These simple tips can help you prevent fashion waste.
  2. Distantdetails

    Distantdetails Administrator

    WaPo wouldn't let me in (sigh), but I love anything on removing stains!!
  3. Ditto what Janine posted. I couldn't read this article either.
  4. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    So sorry! As a WaPo subscriber, I’m given 10 articles per month to share freely, and that was working fine up until recently. I have sent a complaint to customer service and will report back.
  5. Linn

    Linn Super Moderator Staff Member VFG Past President

    I get the WP and could read the article. Good information!

    I am working on a MASSIVE stain removal project using Restoration. I learned about it here a few years ago and purchased it from Amazon. It is amazing on any cotton or linen stain I have encountered. I have a white cotton matelassé coverlet, and two matching pillow shams and a small sham that have been stored in my hall closet for probably 25 years. All are structurally fine but had “rust” stains in various places - really bad on the coverlet - and the borders of one of the shams. I did a trial on Saturday on one of the shams and it worked so I worked on the other pieces yesterday and today and am almost done. My method is to dissolve the Restoration in water in a small shallow bowl and apply it directly to the stain instead of soaking it in the washing machine or a tub. I don't have a bathtub and I don't have a big enough tub/container to soak it. (I have showers.)


    The stains were darker and more pronounced than this photo shows....

    Working on it on draped over my vintage washing machine. (C. 1993.) It still has dials. It's "weathered" but it works!!! (And has a fairly good capacity.)


    I will post a photo of the finished product once I have washed it. And as the article Marsha shared suggests - I will not dry it until I am sure the stains are gone. (The dryer is vintage, too.).

    Two other products I have had success with for other types of stains are By-Pass and Folex.
  6. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    I just heard back from WaPo's customer service.

    >> Current subscribers can share articles with non-subscribers using the share button on the Washington Post website. Recipients can access the article for 14 days after receiving the gift link, but they must register or sign in to access it. <<

    In the future, I will cut & paste!

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