Stains that won't budge. Help!


VFG Board Member
Stains that won\'t budge. Help!

I have a ton of washable dresses with a range of interesting stains. I've tried Soillove, Oxy Clean stain remover, washing them twice. Nada. Any suggestions? I've thought about hanging them outside in the sun but they have florals and don't want to risk those getting sun bleached.

The stains look like kitty pee pee and one I think is blood. Gawd. The things we out with for vintage.

Is the blood on white? You could try Hydrogen Peroxide on a Q-Tip, or lemon juice--dab, dab, dab till it goes away then wash

or you could try soaking in a mixture of cold salt water and tide detergent for about 1/2 hour. (I usually use those plastic shoe bins) Then make some paste out of cornstarch or meat tenderizer and rub into the stain--let it dry and brush off. Then wash with an enzymatic detergent like Tide or Whisk.

If the stain is on white (around the floral) you could also try using the Chlorox bleach pen very delicately
A urine stain should come out with a good washing--which makes me think your stain may be something else-----But I would try using tide and rubbing it right on the stain. Then soak it in cold water for about an hour---swishing it around every 15 minutes or so. Then wash, again using Tide or Whisk or any other enzyme detergent. (Era, Ivory Snow)

Good luck!
I think iti is a stain that will be the death of me. The one spot that will send me off the edge.... Cant you tell I am doing laundry.

It is then I sort of appreciate polyester.... Arghhhhhhhhhh

Unbelievable! I tried my bleach pen on the floral dress, because the stain is on the white of the dress, and it only get slightly lighter. Could it be bacause the fabric is wet? Should I let it dry?

I might move on to white vinegar and dawn because I have two other dresses with stains that don't have so much white.

These are super atomic stains!
I found this for blood

Protein Stains (coffee, fruit juice, blood, vomit, tobacco etc.)

Blot with paper towels to remove as much of the stain as possible before washing with cool salted water (1tsp to 1 pint water). Rinse with clear water. If the stain remains, presoak using with an oxygen based product before washing again with a granulated laundry powder. Do not use hot water, dry the item in a dryer or use a hot iron as this will set any remaining stain. Coffee and tea stains on cottons and linens can also be removed by soaking in borax and water (1 Tbsp. borax in 1cup of warm water). Wine and fruit juice respond well to be cleaned with a 1 part water, 1 part ammonia solution. If a tobacco stain is stubborn, try applying a solution of 1 tsp. sodium thiosulphate mixed with 1cup warm water. Let soak and wash as normal.

If the item cannot be washed, sprinkle with pepsin powder or spread with a thick paste of corn starch and water, let dry and brush off. Repeat if necessary. Stains on wool, rayon and silk should be taken to the dry cleaner for spot treatment. Often home attempts to remove the stain will remove the protein stain but leave a water stain, which is harder to remove. In a pinch you can hold the affected area in the steam from a rapidly boiling kettle or steam iron taking care that no droplets of water reach the item. Shake well and restore the nap by rubbing with a cloth of similar fabric.
a lot of sellers on the VCA boards said they swear by Biz too.Do you use it asa regular detergent? Do you let the garments soak?

I used color safe clorox bleach, and it lightened the yellowing around the neckline of a dress, but it's still there.

I'd appreciate any tips on the Biz stuff.
I usually mix the biz bleach in a tote in my bathtub or in the washer with the hottest water I think the garment will handle. You can soak it overnight if needed. You can add a lot of biz bleach to make the water appear almost white. I did purchase a lot of clothes once on ebay for resell. They ended up having the worse underarm stains I have ever seen. I was able to get about half the dresses clean. I guess what I'm saying is, I have had failures but usually most things that can come out will with this. You can also make a paste with it to spot clean which works nicely too. Hope this helps!
Blood stains should come out with Adolf Tenderizer. Just wet and sprinkle on and rub around and let sit awhile.

Just had a tax customer come in who works in the Laundry of a nearby nursing home. I asked what they used to get stains out.

She said they use "Awesome" buy at the dollar store and it is only $1. She says it gets out blood, food, urine, etc. Just spray on, rub around, and leave on for about 5 minutes before washing. She says it is safe for most fabrics.

Got to get some!
No time to read above, but my hard and fast rule is, if it's a cotton (day dresses and such) with yellowing or staining, I do a 24 to 48 hour Biz bucket soak, sorted by color and print heaviness (red flowers on white would get their own bucket). I don't usually even bother to wash first, into the bucket they go. A heafty scoop of Biz, water in the bucket and mix it up good, then in go dresses, fill to the top and squish around (wear gloves) and then forget them for at least a day.

If there is still yellowing after a standard laundering, they are given a bleach and soap laundering.

Just make sure to line dry each time, so you don't heat set the stains.

Biz website....get a free sample!
have you tried a dab of bicarbonate of soda.....? mix a teaspoon full with a drizzle of water to from a cream...and with a soft toothbrush or your finger massage or aggitate it...but keep watching it...this may work!?