State prison uniform help

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Emily R, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. Emily R

    Emily R Registered Guest

    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

    Ok, so this is really confusing me. The print on the back of this looks new and strange as well as the tag inside but other things about it look old... the clasp at the collar, the redline inside.. does anyone have any insight or knowledge or ideas?! Thanks!

    Attached Files:

  2. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    Can you get a close up of that little care tag? That sure looks 80s to me.
  3. Emily R

    Emily R Registered Guest

    image.jpg image.jpg Here's the tags

    Is the lettering on the back weird to you? It looks so new and strange to me
  4. Emily R

    Emily R Registered Guest

    Ok I think I figured it out. Swiss military prison chore jacket. Still not 100% on date though
  5. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    These care labels look roughly 60s-70s to me, and they look like ones I have seen in items from that time here in Switzerland. However, I would be interested to know though how you found the information that it is a Swiss military prison item? Switzerland does not have military prisons, and even if we had, those uniforms would not have the print "state prison" on them. Theoretically it could have been manufactured in Switzerland though, we used to have a big textile industry (nowadays it's less and mostly specialised on special kinds of fabrics).
  6. Emily R

    Emily R Registered Guest

    At first I thought it was maybe an older jacket turned into a costume? But the printing is too professional looking I think. I just dont know!!
  7. Pinkcoke

    Pinkcoke Alumni

    I think this is a vintage garment that may have been printed onto for a film or tv costume. It had the right look for a prison uniform before and all it would take is a screen printer to add the numbers and lettering which look very new and fresh in comparison to the garment itself. They also appear to have been printed with that 'worn' look built into the font used? which suggests it was for the effect, not for practical use.
  8. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    Melanie's suggestion sounds like a possibility. I was thinking about that too, but I do not have a lot of experience with that kind of thing. In any case it cannot literally be a "Swiss military prison" jacket as there's no such thing as military prisons here. But the garment may have been produced in Switzerland for some other thing, and then maybe repurposed as a costume...

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