Stone ID anyone? Updated.. Can you read it?

I know the purple are amethyst.. any ideas on the green

My guess is Swoboda.

I've had a couple pieces in the past that did pretty good.
Haven't checked lately but it used to be highly collectible.

"Swoboda of California has been manufacturing jewelry since at least the 1950s" and
"the lower end pieces consist of figural pins, often with carved jade or other semiprecious stones set on gold plated metal."

That's out of "Costume Jewelry" by Fred Rezazadeh
some big prices for these on RL .. I was just about ready to call it unknown maker and toss it up for 15 bucks.. Learn alot hanging around here!
That is a wonderful color chart. How can I save it for future reference? or would you post it separately with a descriptive label? Thanks, Claire