Strange 70?s knitting patterns


VFG Member
Strange 70’s knitting patterns

Just thought I’d share these two little boy (strange) outfits from the 70’s. The one fishing looks like he has to get to the bathroom quickly and they both look miserable.

Funny you should bring this up...
Yesterday my Dad and I were talking and he mentioned how much he hated wearing his knitted swimming costume as a child (this would have been about 1945-48 or so). He had a picture of himself in an outfit just like these.
Anyways, his big complaint was that as soon as it got wet the suit would sag and bag and he just hated it!
Originally posted by amandainvermont
Just thought I’d share these two little boy (strange) outfits from the 70’s. The one fishing looks like he has to get to the bathroom quickly and they both look miserable.

Those boys look so uncomfortable and HOT! No wonder they look miserable. The photos look much older than the 70's too - probably because of their short hair which looks quite 'old fashioned' in style. :)
I agree with nsweezie - home knitted swimsuits must have been the worst!

Mum has similar memories of having knitted swimsuits that bagged full of water and stretched out of shape within minutes of hitting the water! This is particularly painful if you're a self-conscious little girl and your costume is drooping round your knees!

Louise - if Amanda hadn't stated the date of those pictures, I'd have guessed 1950s or early 1960s! I don't remember English boys having crew cuts in the 70s at any rate! :)
I've seen knitted swimsuits like the one on the right before too. I think there's an old photo of my dad and his sister and brother on summer holiday, and I think his brother must have worn something similar. He didn't look too happy in it either... ;) Must've been in the mid- to late 50s.
