Strapless dress 1950s?

Hi Everyone,

No labels, but this dress looks very 50s to me - strapless gown, bodice boned at seams, fitted waist (didn't come with it's belt) and full skirt.

However the waist treatment is something I haven't seen on the 50's gowns. Is this a feature that still fits the 50's profile?

Thanks Nicole for the vote of confidence... but I've been so far off the mark on some vintage items that it's scary.

The seams in this dress are pinked, dressmaker used hemming ribbon on the hem and it has a metal zipper, so I guess I can count those features as characteristic of 50's rather than 80s.
Thanks, Mary Jane...there's a definite rustle when this dress moves.
Wish I had that bolero, but even the belt would be great.
I love the dress and agree that it's probably from the 1950's but this silhouette was also shown in 1948 so it could be a little bit earlier. It probably did have a bolero jacket as others have said.