Stuck zip trick

retro ruth

Staff member
I saw this years ago on a 'trade secrets from the experts' programme about shoes, but it obviously applies to clothes too.

Too ease a stuck zip, rub the teeth with an ordinary soft pencil. The graphite particles sort of lubricate the zip.

I just had reason to try this for the first time, on a stuck metal zip, and it worked a treat!

Wow, I've never tried pencil. I have successfully helped a zipper with a candle (wax) or soap. Next time, I'll try pencil!
I've used pencils for this now and then -- but do beware! It tends to "grate" the pencil tip and will leave a residue on the zipper & whatever comes in contact with it! So do at least give it a quick swab with a rag to remove the extra pencil :)

I really need to remember to keep a small candle at the store for zippers!!