Style/KW Help w/ a DARLING coat

ohhh..I hate when I go blank... the word for this style of coat is.......?

and any other great words are welcome

Yeah.. I thought it had a very Dr. Zhivago feel.. but I'm afraid that reference would be lost even on most folks MY age!!.. Eskimo comes to mind and didn't Scully wear one like it in the new X-Files?
Beth. Stop
I'm so over you being so cute. stop
Must Be ugly. STOP
Or should I just ay STUMP!! hee hee hee!
Can You Stopthe stump & the VFG from ooggllinge?
Gotta Love the Water! Lord knows I do!!
Beth, lookin for a show stoppin' weekend in November. I have some ideas I want to toss out to you, they include: A flapper & champagne, Maybe a "I wanna be Loved" with A WIND UP VICTROLLA?
Then a change to the 30's and .... ? What do you think?