Suede Shoes date check pleae

Hello all,

Quick date check please. I am not comfortable with shoes and need some comfirmation!

I think early 40s WWII era?.... am I correct?

Thank you,



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OK thank you! Perfect and now I know! Was I off in thinking that the heel was common for the 40s though? but it is the toe that makes this later.
Its a walking heel, which tend not to survive as much as fashion (high) heels, probably because they were more worn than high heels and worn out, but they are misleading because they make the shoe look earlier than they are - the toe cleavage is the newest feature of the shoes, but also that slightly squarish toe shape is typically late 40s, and the use of black suede is also typical of the late 40s - early 50s.
Thank you! I like to learn so I am not so bothersome in the future :)

They are actually very dark blue seude, true navy blue. Hard to capture in pictures but shows well against black. Darn it I should have takena photo against black to show this. Oh well, you have been great help as always! Thank you greatly!