Ta-Da!! Gilbert Adrian Original Jacket... what's it worth?

Zephyr Pfo

Registered Guest
Hey lovelies -

1. I'm new to this site, and this business in general...
(but) 2. I love it, though my connections are limited thus far...
(and) 3. I have, apparently, a Gilbert Adrian Originals jacket that was so helpfully identified on Etsy before I sold it for well below its worth. I knew it was something special but now that I know it's a coveted grail-item I don't want to sell it short - nor can I keep it, as it's a consignmentish piecefrom a friend who isn't at all into clothes but gets lots of them regularly. It's in pretty much perfect condition - the only (minor) issue is that it has obviously been in storage for ages and so some of the pleats have lost their edge - nothing that a skilled professional can't fix. So I'm wondering, what's the best avenue to sell this gorgeous piece? What's its worth? Unfortunately if there was once a skirt that made it a suit, it's lost to time...
Wish it fit me! Thanks so much for your time...


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Beautiful jacket - I agree that it would have had a skirt originally. I would get it professionally dry cleaned, you'll get a better price if it's looking it's best.

For values, you could try finished auctions on ebay and google for similar items. Keep in mind that there are some crazy prices out there and that just because someone is asking $$$ for it, doesn't mean that's what it's worth and someone will pay that for it. You could also get it professionally valued, but they will probably need to see it rather than go by photos.