Ta Da...The Tablecloth Dress..


VFG Member
VFG Past President
Remember the wedding dress that I saved from being a tablecloth?

<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/60slace.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>

It was all yellowed and stained and I soaked it in oxyclean in the washing machine for about half a day, then rinsed on delicate.

I spent this morning mending some tiny holes in the lace and ironing. I am getting use to this dress being around. It just seems happy that it is being fixed. Anything I do to it, it just makes it look better. (Maybe it came from a happy home.)

<b>TA DA...HERE IT IS ALL CLEAN!!!</B>:clapping::clapping:

<center><img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/60slacetablecloth3.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/60slacetablecloth12.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/60slacetablecloth16.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br></center>

BTW, I never really asked this, I don't think, but would the date be the 60s or 70s? Empire and back metal zipper.
Linda, it is lovely! Cleaned up really well.

I would say late 60s
You know....I was in the thrift store this morning and found a wedding dress that reminded me of this story! I almost bought it to restore using the same method Linda did but that would require me to hang out in the laundromat for half a day guarding a washer while it soaked! LOL

I might just go back to get it and use my Mom's washer to soak it.

Thanks for the after pics!
