Tapestry or Petite Point?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I initially thought this was tapestry under the beading, but it was brought to my attention that it could even be petite point.

I am including a close up for any confirmation...


Here is the handbag. I love that handle. It is not beads on fabric but finally intertwined strings of beads, but surprisingly sturdy.



I've come back to this several times and almost pressed my nose to the
screen to figure out (I do know petitpoint when I see it). I still think this
is tapestry (too bad you can't see the back of the fabric). It looks very close to petitpoint, however there are a couple of longer stitches in the
rose petals that make me think tapestry.

Sorry I can't be more definitive on this!

You know, I just looked at this again - the longer white stitches on the rose
petals, do they appear to be embroidered on?

They COULD be. The white stitches are the only thing that stands out and looks and feels like it could be thread. Everything else looks and feels like tapestry to me. Unless it is just THAT good. you know..the things that are so good that they look to perfect to be real at all?
Just looked at this with a fresher eye Chris and I agree with Sue, that
petit point stitches would have a bit more of a slant. I think you are safe
with tapestry.
