Ted Lapidus scarf ?s

I received a few items from Fern, a model in the 50s - including her 1957 bombshell wiggle wedding dress (now shortened) - and two of these scarfs. The top half on both the scarves have about an inch folded back that is loosely basted. I asked Fern why this was done and she said she didn't know but that's how she bought them.

Anyone know if and why this was done? And if these are 50s?

Many thanks!!

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d30/alamov/TLapidusScarf.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
I am not an expert but am going to take a guess and say the scarf is slightly later. (remember just because she modelled in the 50s doesn't mean she never bought another thing nor was given a gift for the rest of her life). My reasoning is because the signature is the same style as many 60s scarves i have seen (at least what i can make out), and also the style of the figure. The way she is drawn and there was more of an interest in flapper revival, cloches like that etc, i the 60s - unless i am "reading" her clothing wrong.

I also looked up Auguste Pepin and there was a Katherine Auguste Pepin but that is the closest i found and there was no info there.

So that is just my 2 cents - but i could be WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY off
Oh Chris, thank you!!! Fern thought she bought them in the 50s. I have a coat that she thought she bought in the 60s, but I know that one is early 70s. When you're reliving them, they can kinda run into each other.
Lizzie, that was a GREAT read! I didn't realize I was all of 12 when Bonnie & Clyde came out - perhaps it was X rated at the time and I didn't see it until I was older. Anyway, thanks for the education and taking me down memory lane.
Deborah, as you know I was 12 also, but I'm sure I didn't see it until I was a bit older. And I went to the movies every Friday night when I was a kid. I guess that one was a bit violent for a 12 year old.
