Tennis Fashions of Yesteryear

As tennis fever hits our shores and Wimbledon is in full swing, it got me thinking about tennis fashions from decades gone by . . . . . .

Back in the 1860s when women first began to play tennis they wore clothing made from heavy materials like flannel or serge. They also had the addition of a bustle and even furs which sounds ridiculous given they were playing a sport that required a certain amount of running!

Maud Watson (and her bustle)

The first Wimbledon Ladies' Championship was won in 1884 by Maud Watson and it was around that time that white clothing became popular since it helped to mask perspiration, the dreaded consequence of running. In the Wimbledon final, Maud (aged 19), was all in white but she wore a constricting outfit including a bustled two-piece costume, topped by a sporty male straw boater. An early fashion statement perhaps.

Lottie Dod

Three years later, 15-year-old Lottie Dod (from Cheshire, England) won Wimbledon. Her calf-length skirts had to be seen as acceptable, since they also formed part of her school uniform. But even by the turn of the century Miss Dod was pleading for “a suitable attire for women’s tennis which does not impede breathing.”

May Sutton

In 1905 along came May Sutton, who at home in California had taken to playing in her father’s shirts because of the extra freedom of movement they offered. That year she caused a stir, not merely by winning Wimbledon but by doing so after rolling back her cuffs and revealing her wrists. The sleeves on her dress, she complained, were “too long and too hot.”

A very young Chris Evert

Of course growing up in the 70s and 80s, one of my favourite tennis players was Chris Evert who I thought was super-glamorous! I was riveted to the screen whenever she played at Wimbledon. Me and my twin sister would forever argue about which one of us would be Chris Evert while playing tennis during the summer hols. It was usually a choice between Chris Evert or Yvonne Gooligong (Lawley), another glam tennis player of the day.

Do you have a favourite tennis player or is there one tennis fashion 'faux pas' that you remember from over the years?
Thanks for the early tennis gear. It’s hard to imagine playing in those get-ups. I’d like to see what the men wore at the same time.

BUT - You made me look at current outfits. Ugh.

The Williams sisters are ... well, kind of nuts when it comes to outfits. The scary thing is that Serena Williams apperently is now designing her own clothing line?

Big sigh.

At first this just looks ... well, extreme.


But then it gets worse.


And then, Much worse...


And WHAT is with this?


I could say a lot more... decorum, etc.
:jawdrop: Those images are yucky to the max!!!! I heard that Venus had started designing but it looks like her apparel isn't very suitable for the tennis court - or anywhere else. :embaressed:

The Williams sisters make Chris Evert look like a tiny princess doll. She always looked so great in her tennis gear. :)
The Williams sisters certainly do like to glam up their outfits, but then they're probably no more shocking than Lottie Dod was in her "short" skirts.

Evonne Cawley is still a big hero here: Australian Aboriginals have quite a history of doing well in sport. It's a pity they're so under-represented in other fields.

I've had this Billie Jean King tennis dress for many years. I remember reading an interview where she complained that when she was competing, the regulations for professional women's tennis outfits did not allow pockets.

I often wondered if she actually contributed to the design of this dress, or if she just licensed her name for the label.



Oh my, that Williams gal is sure showing a lot of bum! Surly that is a shorts panty that just happens to be the same shade as her back side! Tell me it is.
Originally posted by hatfeathers
Oh my, that Williams gal is sure showing a lot of bum! Surly that is a shorts panty that just happens to be the same shade as her back side! Tell me it is.

:lol: I believe she's wearing shorts which happen to be EXACTLY the same colour as her skin. HOWEVER!!! . . . . :jawdrop:
I loved Yvonne Goolagong Cawley when I was watching a lot of tennis--she was my favorite player ever. And Billie Jean King was not only a great tennis player but a great champion for women. There haven't been too many players recently that I have been taken with; although I admire the Williams sisters' talent, I think their outfits border on obscene!

Louise, alas, I never, ever liked Chris Evert.... Great player, but apparently not a very nice person.
Originally posted by vintagebaubles
I loved Yvonne Goolagong Cawley when I was watching a lot of tennis--she was my favorite player ever. And Billie Jean King was not only a great tennis player but a great champion for women. There haven't been too many players recently that I have been taken with; although I admire the Williams sisters' talent, I think their outfits border on obscene!

Louise, alas, I never, ever liked Chris Evert.... Great player, but apparently not a very nice person.

Sorry to hear that. :( It's always disappointing when people you admire turn out to be horrible. I've not seen much of her recently so perhaps people have tired of her. :clueless:
Well, since I don't know her personally (LOL!) I'm only going by what I've read about her. And you know, the media sometimes aren't accurate. Understatement, that is!

But, she has always appeared to be exceptionally self centered. I feel sorry for her two kids--she left their father to marry Greg Norman, then they split up; now I just read an interview with her in which she says she misses her family time with her kids and her ex-husband. Well..... seems to me she should have thought more about her kids before she took off with another guy! Starting with Jimmy Connors, it seems she's left a string of men behind her in her pursuit to satisfy her ego and/or desires (although she says it was Norman who wanted the divorce....)
I think she missed out on snagging Jimmy Connors all those years ago. Jimmy is another of my all time heroes and a lovely, lovely man. I don't know him personally either but he always comes across as a 'nice guy' when he's interviewed on TV.

Chris E used to be married to British tennis player, John Lloyd, although she was always much, much better at tennis than him. :lol: No wonder that marriage didn't stand the test of time. :)