Test your vintage style knowledge by dating patterns.

I've posted a quiz of sorts to my blog - twenty vintage sewing patterns that have printed dates on them, it's a fun tool to test your knowledge, by guessing the dates and seeing how close you get.

You can see the blog post here. Good luck!

Nicole, just finished your quiz. That was great! Thank you so much for posting it. I was able to date all within 5 years except for four. I've learned more in the past two years than I realized.
That is a great idea - I used to collect patterns because they were such good documents of fashion in reality, but they just got so massive. Of course now I wish I had scanned the images and kept them sorted in date files...

I am embarrassed to say that apparently my 80s IDing needs brushing up!
I did better than I thought I would. The 80s ones, I had the right decade, but more than a 5 year gap on my guesses
and the actual dates. Fun!
What fun! I actually surprised myself, and got all of them except 1 (the first one) dated within 3-4 years, a lot within 1-2 years, and on 7 I got the exact year. So I give myself about a C+ or B- on this test!

This is a great idea Nicole. Happy New Year!
Good fun, I had one exact hit, two misses and the rest I got within 4 years.
That wedding dress WAS my mum's wedding dress!
Wow Melanie - I hope that means you got the wedding dress right too? It looks so much like Princess Diana's, I thought it was early '80s too. I should have remembered that bridal fashions don't change very fast and are inherently conservative.

Glad you enjoyed them everyone - it's not often we get exact dates with vintage styles, especially every day wear like these.
I did pretty well, too, except for the wedding dress which I thought was early '80's. I think that one is an example of a popular pattern being available for many years after the original.


I thought the last one was a little bit later because of the hair styles. I guessed three years later.

This was a lot of fun! Thanks, Nicole!

I agree Linn, I thought that was a copy of the lady Diana dress too!

Gosh Nicole, there is nothing like starting the date with a fashion history exam!! It was fun, I even got 7 dates exactly right :cheer: but I did one really wrong :oops:- that raglan tshirt looked so early 80s to me, but was 60's- oh dear!
And my mum actually made me that outfit- from :Simplicity pattern # 5707 Girl's bell bottom pants, shorts and halter top 1973 !!
Gayle, I suspect the t shirt pattern is the hardest - or should I say "T" shirt :)

As someone pointed out on Facebook, it's highly unlikely that anyone would sew a t shirt these days. They're ridiculously cheap to buy.

Linn, regarding the dates I mentioned on the blog post that many patterns were reprinted for many years, but the date should be the date it was first produced. Diana's wedding dress was such a big influence on bridal fashions, ladies were still wearing similar ones into the early '90s when the strapless '50s style took off (and has remained with us ever since).