Thanks to all of You


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I really want to thank all the VFG members and friends who have allowed me to ramble on about my blog, The Vintage Traveler. Thanks in part to you all here, my readership has doubled since July. So a small thank you give-away is in order - these 5 little vintage plastic ornaments. Just leave a comment on the blog post.

Thats very impressive and well deserved Lizzie!

Love the little Christmas ornaments; they would look great on my smaller tree. Count me in! :icon_coolsnow:
Always loved your blog! Respect the time you put into it and I always fnd something nteresting when I go to it.

Adore that elf ornament!!!!!

I really enjoy reading blogs, yours especially. I just never get the time to really sit down and savor and explore them very often- Those are adorable - my Grandma had very similar ones, hanging right next to the unique (okay, let's be honest, weird) ones I made in school~
Well, aren't you sweet! I hardly need added incentive to go to one of my favorite blogs, but I'll scurry over there right now to throw my hat in the ring. Thanks!

Lizzie, I spit out my drink when I saw the creepy elf on the far right.

Just the other night I was talking to another VFG member (who will remain nameless, but who shares my love of creepy/scary Christmas elves and Santas) while scouring eBay and found a set of those elves in the completed auctions.
I must say we were BOTH pretty sad that we missed them so I have to go by and leave a comment, if only to own that elf.

BTW, very nice of you to do this for your readers.
What a nice bunch you all are! I really didn't post this just to get compliments... really!

Just a reminder, you have to post on the blog for me to know that you want to be included in the drawing.

Again, THANKS!