The final push: help with this Cassini, please


Registered Guest
I've still got a slightly depressing pile of boxes to get through, but I have faith in some lots clearing the last of it.

So I have to steel myself to get rid of some more things from the 'collection'.

Date help with this Oleg Cassini? 50s? As far as early 60s? Construction seems more consistent with 50s-1960, but I wanted more opinions on this.

Also, I'm stuck on a title with the button feature at the neckline; novelty button thingy??

all help most welcome, thanks!


Great dress; love the button thingy trim but also at a loss for describing them. Not sure I can help on the dating either, as I have a dress with almost the identical styling (not a Cassini, alas, and not as nice as yours) that I have been puzzled over on the dating since I got it. The only differences are mine is a surplice "V" bodice, and has button trim on the wide waistband (the waists themselves are nearly exactly the same) instead of the neckline. I just grabbed it out of the closet and now note that it has a sort of modified underam gusset that would likely date it to the late 50s. Does yours? If so, I'd guess that timeframe. With mine, it looked as if it could have been 70s or 50s, but I wouldn't have guessed 60s.

So I'm not much help, and am anxious to hear what others have to say.
Thanks Anne, well given that OC then became so famous for creating the clean boxy look for Jackie K, I think you're right that this style pushes one a bit earlier. I'm just not sure whether my impressionistic judgement is totally sound.

Thanks Claire! That's great, I'll get that in the description. What I was more totally stumped on, though, was indicating this feature in the title. I guess it might not be possible...
