The kitten's name is


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The kitten\'s name is

It has been my mission since moving into our home 20 years ago to neuter/spay the feral cats roaming our neighborhood.

We have neutered/spayed over 50 cats over the years. In March I took 7 cats in carriers to the TARA van sponsored by the North Shore Animal League of NY to be neutered/spayed. I had a cat actually claw his way out of his cardboard carrier on the way back when he was still all drugged up!

So we were thinking that there would be no kittens this year.

We'll we were wrong. Each and every year "Grandma Cat", the matriarch of the feral colony, somehow knows when we are making our annual trip to the TARA van and hides for a couple weeks.

She has presented us with a single kitten this year which we have chosen to name "Oh NO" since we truly thought she was just too old to have anymore and she again played her disappearing trick.

So meet Oh NO!


Oh No has already been placed once she is old enough to stop nursing and we'll be taking Grandma Cat to be spayed.
Oh No, how sweet!!! That grandma cat is pretty smart and sneeky.

I got my LuLu-A-GoGo from the north shore animal league on Long Island in 1992. They are a wonderful organization.
Your doing a great job bringing the cats to get spayed.
awww kitten :wub:

My GranPapa was one of those people who didn't believe in spaying cats. By the time I was 10, we had a full blown feral colony of cats hiding in his backyard, which was piled high with junk. Every spring there was a new cast of kitties. Every year, one or two, a small handful would make it into the house to be named & fed indoors. The majority, though, were pretty feral and refused our attentions.
I grew up thinking this was normal (of course) and it wasn't until I was grown that I realized how bad it was.
When I would ask him about it, he'd say things like "I'm not paying money to fix the damn cats! Who cares! They're CATS!"
But -- that's how HE was raised. He LOVED his dog, but he wouldn't spend money on it unless he was forced to.
Anyway -- tangent!

It's a great, thankless thing you're doing. Even if my GranPapa would think you were nuts ;)
My grandparents were the same. They always had cats around the farm and they were never neutered/spayed.

Many cats have made it into our home over the years. We've also had entire litters get a respiratory infection and die within 24 hours even though we were dosing them with amoxicillin right away.

If you saw my backyard you would think you were looking at a picture of the pet cemetary from Stephen King's book. DH makes crosses for all those pets that are no longer with us. We're on our third set of dogs and our oldest cat is 17.

Right now the shelters here are so full that they are not taking cats. Unfortunately the area we are in has lots of summer homes. People get a cat for the summer and then go back home and leave their cats here to survive on their own.

So for now this little kitten will stay with her mom and then go to her new owner, who we know will have him/her spayed/neutered.

North Shore Animal League is where we adoped our newfoundland mix, Donovan. He is no longer livng and we currently have two female Great Pyrenees, Isha and Willow. They are wonderful with cats. They just absolutely love them. :)
That really is great to hear how you have taken care of so many.

We also have had our share.

We have been feeding a female for over 2 years now, she first came around as just a kitten and she has had 3 litters. The first litter of 3 all disappeared after about 3 months. The 2nd litter of 4, we have found a home for one and we now have adopted two who live with us, the 4th disappeared.

We have never seen any from the 3rd litter and she has stopped coming here to be fed, we heard that an elderly neighbor was feeding her and the kittens but no sign of any of them to date.

So we are now left with the two we have adopted and we will be spaying them. The male is fairly affectionate, I do pick him up for short periods of time every day and pet him, he seems to enjoy it. The female is not so easy, she always runs away. I've only managed to pick her up in total 3 times.

Of late, I haven's spotted any other cats roaming our yard.
:wub: kittens :wub:

Mary Jane - your best *tool* for getting the baby girl to fall in love with you is tuna.
That and time & patience. My mz_bunny was feral when I rescued her. I always spoke softly to her & tried not to make any sudden moves - that is until she wised up & became the Queen of the Universe.

It took over a year for her not to be schitzy around me & she never did really take to any other people.
Just dogs, the nit-wit.
Oh, yes, they love tuna!

borntoolate, it's so good of you to help the local cat community. I think that the price of spaying has greatly reduced in the last few decades as attitudes have changed - when I was growing up, we had a tortoiseshell cat we called "Mother Cat" because every season she would produce a litter. I got used to playing with the kittens before my mum would quietly drown them. It breaks my heart, but she was from the country and that's what they did back then....

Our two darling black cats are both from the shelter, dumped by their previous owners. It makes me cry to think of all the unloved or unwanted cats and we have a responsibility to help reduce their numbers.

Day 2 of the kitten caper. My neighbor called this morning at 6 a.m. (the one morning I've decided to sleep in as I'm usually up by 5!) to tell me that one of my cat's kittens is on her deck. I calmly explained to her that all our cats are neutered/spayed.

She says I have to get the kitten out of there because it's driving her dog nuts (no, your dog is driving you nuts). So of course DH goes across the street and brings the kitten back. We cleaned its eyes, and the little orange fuzzy kitten snuggled up under DH's chin and purred like a motor boat.

So now we have two kittens snuggled in our home made insulated rubbermaid container "cat house" on the deck after filling their bellies on kitten chow.

Have I mentioned that I love kittens? :cats::cats:
Man...I wish there were a cheap neuter program somewhere reasonably close here. I'd round up the alley cats!

We paid $200+ to have the mama cat that came with our building spayed/shot, and then sent her to live in a barn. I feel ok about it. I would feel better if it had been less $$.
Her baby is just now 6 months, so a fixin' for her is coming soon!
You might want to get in touch with Spay USA. If there are any neutering programs around your area they can let you know. If there aren't they sometimes give coupons worth $30 to whereever you are taking your cat to be spayed/neutered. We did 7 cats this spring and they sent us 7 certificates because we were spaying/neutering 7 feral cats. They were very helpful.