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The kitten\'s name is
It has been my mission since moving into our home 20 years ago to neuter/spay the feral cats roaming our neighborhood.
We have neutered/spayed over 50 cats over the years. In March I took 7 cats in carriers to the TARA van sponsored by the North Shore Animal League of NY to be neutered/spayed. I had a cat actually claw his way out of his cardboard carrier on the way back when he was still all drugged up!
So we were thinking that there would be no kittens this year.
We'll we were wrong. Each and every year "Grandma Cat", the matriarch of the feral colony, somehow knows when we are making our annual trip to the TARA van and hides for a couple weeks.
She has presented us with a single kitten this year which we have chosen to name "Oh NO" since we truly thought she was just too old to have anymore and she again played her disappearing trick.
So meet Oh NO!
Oh No has already been placed once she is old enough to stop nursing and we'll be taking Grandma Cat to be spayed.
It has been my mission since moving into our home 20 years ago to neuter/spay the feral cats roaming our neighborhood.
We have neutered/spayed over 50 cats over the years. In March I took 7 cats in carriers to the TARA van sponsored by the North Shore Animal League of NY to be neutered/spayed. I had a cat actually claw his way out of his cardboard carrier on the way back when he was still all drugged up!
So we were thinking that there would be no kittens this year.
We'll we were wrong. Each and every year "Grandma Cat", the matriarch of the feral colony, somehow knows when we are making our annual trip to the TARA van and hides for a couple weeks.
She has presented us with a single kitten this year which we have chosen to name "Oh NO" since we truly thought she was just too old to have anymore and she again played her disappearing trick.
So meet Oh NO!
Oh No has already been placed once she is old enough to stop nursing and we'll be taking Grandma Cat to be spayed.