The London Tweed Run 2013

retro ruth

Staff member
I think you meant Ruth, Nicole, but I'd love to go too! It was on the 13th April this year. We should make a calendar of these events VFG members could meet up at. (Goodwood is coming up!)
Sorry Melanie - yes, you're right. Sorry Ruth! I imagined that you'd already be going, you look like the sort of gal to do such a thing!

Sorry ladies, I'm usually good with names. I'll blame the late night and go back to bed now.
I wasn't even there - these aren't my pics :BAGUSE: I just enjoy the photos every year!

They are limited as too how many people can take part, and there is some kind of raffle system to get a place, which I always miss. Nor do I actually have a bike.

I love the 'chap' aspect too.
We have Tweed Runs in Australia too - unfortunately we also have laws that say we need to wear helmets on bikes. Yes, they're for a very good reason but they do mess up one's headwear and hairstyle.

I have a bike but it's an unattractive but good quality one that is great for long distance cycling: not very charming but I appreciate it when cycling up hills. I should find out when the next TR is happening here and give it a shot.
I just applied for membership to the Tweed Ride circle. I think this would be a great event for the town of Hespeler where the museum will be locating. There is a 6.5 KM trail that runs from Hespeler to Preston (two old towns that make up the present day city of Cambridge) called the Mill Race trail, because it goes alongside the Speed and Grand Rivers where all the old mill races were for the wool and silk and other mills. Perfect way to tie in fashion, wool, tweed… oh yes, and cycling! I wonder if you can include tweedy dog walks on the same day...

Turns out there are Tweed rides in Toronto, Windsor, and several other Canadian cities too.