The Manatee Hugger is back


Staff member
VFG Past President

If you know me, you know I love manatees...

Right now (and through April 15) 30% of any purchase from my web store or Etsy shop goes to the emergency rescue fund of the Save the Manatee Club. Please read all about it in my blog.
Thank you all!

I live all the way across the country from the Florida and the manatees, but once when visiting my aunt in Florida, I saw a manatee that had been rescued being released into Crystal River. Other manatees came up to the released manatee as if to welcome it back. It was love at first sight for me. So now I'm the...

Manatees are of the order Sirenia (as in siren or mermaid because when Columbus first spotted them he thought they were mermaids!): The order includes the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). Dugongs (of the Eastern Hemisphere) are also part of this order.

Manatees are often called sea cows, and there is the Stellar's Sea Cow, which 27 years after discovery by Europeans was hunted to extinction (18th century).

The manatee evolved from a 4-legged land animal 60 million years ago...their closest current land relative is the elephant. Since they have been found to be of intelligence comparable in many ways to dolphins, I always cringe a little at the sea cow name. Land cows are really pretty dumb and manatees (though they are herbivores too) are much more involved creatures.

More than you wanted to know, huh Sarah?

I get started. :rolleyes:
I'm here to learn Maggie! There's a new kids' show over here called Sarah and Duck. I'm a bit addicted to it - most effective stress relief imaginable. Sarah has a love of sea cows (for I don't think I've ever heard a Brit say the word manatee Maggie). There's an episode on You Tube - you can see her sea cow poster at the beginning! She also has a sea cow cuddly toy, which may eventually find its way into our shops.

(I love the addition of the pre-schooler quacking and giggling!)

Wow, that's a druggy little show Sarah! Very addictive! I didn't realize that manatees are only called sea cows in your part of the world. I'm amazed how much the animal has caught on all over the world, given that it can't be seen in many places. A Spanish teenage girl is my Facebook friend, and she practices her English extolling her love of manatees/sea cows.

Land cows would not be so dumb had they not been bred to be that way...docility was most important I guess. I love cows, but sea cows are Einsteins in comparison. :USING:
Thank you all for taking interest! 49% of my goal to raise $500 for the emergency rescue fund of Save the Manatee Club by April 15 has been reached, and if more can be raised I certainly wouldn't stop!

Sadly, I've just read that it's an even more serious issue than I had previously heard. Manatees are dying in droves right now:

...and they certainly can not afford to lose such numbers.

Since I'm not the biologist I originally planned to be, I use the bully pulpit of my business to share these wonderful animals.
