The Original Paper Dress?

Okay.... I'll cave...
It was common to make fancy dresses (costume party) out of newspaper. I have a reference to one being made in 1878 in Toronto in my book, and another reference to one in the English book 'Fancy Dresses Described' from c. 1895. The photo of the one you have from the 1920s is a bit later than usual because by this time most costumes are using crepe paper rather than newspapers, but I have seen one other example from the 1920s that used newspapers.
If you owned my book on paper dresses you would know ALL about this!?!?!? lol

So true Jonathan! :BAGUSE:

However I do have your shoe book, The Seductive Shoe, so now I know most everything about shoes.

The only reason I keep asking so many questions is so that you can explain it to everybody else. :D