THe Shape of Things to Come... I need your thoughts!


VFG Member
The Fashion History Museum will soon be launching “12.12.12: Life in Three Centuries” An exhibition that will explore the history of 1812, 1912, and 2012 through contemporary styles of social media journalism: top ten lists, what's hot - what's not, who wore it better, etc.

Capitalizing on two major historic events: the bicentennial of the War of 1812, and the centennial of the sinking of the Titanic, this exhibition will look at the similarities and differences of living in three different centuries through pop and high culture, current events, and everyday life.

In 1812, Lord Byron was a hottie, Pride and Prejudice was a best seller, and ice cream cones were the summer treat. In 1912, you could buy Oreos and Life Savers for the first time, Ragtime and cubism were new, and the hobble skirt debuted. But what about 2012?

Tell me your predictions for the fashion, fads and famous people of 2012. Does your vision of next year include Lady Gaga, Goji berries, Justin Beiber, longer hemlines, a pregnant Duchess of Cambridge? Tell me what you think!

You can comment here, or on my blog (see link at bottom of page)
Pride predjudice is still hot and many books that are remakes.....there is a zombie version of book which Still credits Austin as author.

Gaga will be gone...or not as popular.... Same as beiber....

Crazy neon makeup.....

Having your picture taken with a fuzzy cat or small dog

Fake glasses

Fetsh shoes

Jack white

After reading the latest goss on Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, I can't help wondering if that freshly minted marriage is going to last until 2012! Apparently they spent their South African honeymoon in different hotels and now they've returned early to Monaco so that Albert can undergo a paternity test.

I think we're going to be hearing a whole lot more about Lady Gaga though. And I expect William and Kate to be pregnant by this time next year.

Carrie - if you know of a museum that wants to rent it, let me know! The museum that was going to take it next summer probably isn't going to now (its a long story that involves the royal stupidity of the mayor of Toronto...) Anyway, I have it booked for Dec 2011 - March 2012, and Sept- Dec 2012, but otherwise its available!
So it's available April-August 2012, then? Hmmm...:eyebrow2:

Not sure whether it would fit the vibe of the Charles River Museum down the block, but since their full name is "of Industry and Innovation" and the exhibit does showcase innovations from each century, I'll certainly run it past them... (and then keep my fingers crossed, because I'd LOVE to finally get to see things from your museum)!
I am working on the content now and will have something more concrete pulled together by September, with some images and text etc. I'll keep you in the loop!

I agree you have come up with an absolutely brilliant theme for a museum exhibition. Marvelous! And may I say quite innovative.

I cannot be of help with the "whats hot" for 2012. I am either still living in the past...or living 10 years ahead of the curve. Usually a combination of the two!

I do agree (or hope) that GAGA will be revealed for the copycat unimaginative bore that she is and no longer be hot.

I can also hope that the big trend for 2012 will be the wearing of 1930's hats and wearing of true vintage hats in general. Enough of the tacky home made fascinators already!

Again, brilliant.....brilliant theme for a show.

Jonathan, I was just reading about how Quebec is not planning any sort of commemoration about the war of 1812 at funding for it whatsoever.

Have you tried to approach the McCord Museum about it?

Tattooing is still going very strong...I would think it is still on the rise for 2012.
Oh, this is such a great idea - I love it. And would love to see it... Depending on where and when it will be on show, I might just make a nice sightseeing/shopping trip of it and collect some air miles *lol*.

I'm no good at predicting anything - and I usually don't buy an fashion magazines. I only buy what I like and don't follow trends much.

Fashion-wise, I'm hoping for less of the all-over flowery stuff and less recycling of trends that are less than 20 years old. Seeing things again that I remember from my teenage years really ain't fun. And I hope for... brilliant colors! I'm not usually a fan of Gucci, but what they have shown on the runways this year was right up my street color-wise.

And I've been asking myself for some time how much longer Gaga can keep the madness up. The novelty value certainly has worn off...

Plus size fashion models and clothing lines, really seem to be gaining popularity. I think it will either die out or grow in popularity.
Thinking about 2012.. is there any industry award for a young fashion designer of the year and feature his or hers work,
or if you want a larger input what about approaching a university or fashion colledge , I think they have end of year degree fashion shows, what I seen of them they are a little futuristic in style or cutting edge.
sort of bringing in the next generation.
How exciting! I agree with everyone, GREAT idea for an exhibition. As for coming trends... it's a guessing game for sure but a couple thoughts are tickling my mind

gourmet vegan cuisine embraced more by the mainstream

less spandex blends (Please!)

bold graphic prints

less kindle more real books (maybe thats just me wishing)

young urbans running co-op businesses (galleries, vintage, fashion, artisan...)

and I agree with Yummy Yum big crazy colorful hair

less kindle more real books (maybe thats just me wishing)

I'm afraid so... its interesting the responses I have received. A lot of them are wishes for current things to go away, like your request for spandex blends and kindle books to vamoose!

This is a fun show to research... there is so much good fodder to use, from Teddy Roosevelt's campaign for an American health care system in 1912, to the publication of the first volume of Grimm's fairy tales in 1812!

I have to start designing the graphic panels soon, so I now have a copy of every cheesey teen/scandal/paparazzi publication in existance to get ideas. WOW there is some trashy mags out there!
Bad: environmental overload
Good/possibly wishful: rise of the small business
Possibly good/possibly bad: vintage gone mainstream