The World of Buttons


VFG Member
I’ve posted before about my friend Matthew, who I think of as the button man. He lives in Normandy, France and has been collecting vintage buttons for years. He was telling me about a button auction he attended in Paris where he spent $600 for one card of buttons. People attended this auction from all over the world and bids were called in as well.

I was looking at his buttons for sale recently and I saw the following button, and asked him just what “4 layer cassein” means. His answer -

"4-layer casein means that the button is made up of four layers of casein (a kind of plastic made from milk protein) that are laminated together. In this case, the layers are different colors, so cutting them back at an angle gives the appearance of stripes."


Am I the only person who finds these details about vintage buttons fascinating?
I can't say I'm a friend but I've always admired Matthew and appreciated his knowledge. He used to post on a board I frequented but not any more. I miss him.

I just spent a long time - lost in his buttons. It was informative and most of all enjoyable.
