things I am happy about today


VFG Member
1. That I didn't go to Glastonbury (again) this year, and am not currently trying to get my car out of an impossibly muddy field - and probably ending up paying a entrepreneurial farmer £5 for a tow. Coming to think of it I bet it's more by now...

But more importantly;

2. The fact that I got my camera back! Three weeks without it and I felt like I'd lost a limb. And why is it that I only feel the urge to work my backside off when it is infact impossible? lol!

So you will hopefully see a very productive week from me this week with lots of goodies I've been having dry cleaned and prepped while I had nothing else to busy myself with! :hiya:
well l dunno about you...but its blowing a gale force wind here in north cumbria...and wet,w et, wet..l have my cashmere card back out of storage and my boots on!! oil has run out and need to chop some wood for fire ..its soo damn cold and damp!!! bloody british summers....they dont exist anymore.., its just so duh!!!!!
lol - yes, it's horrid! house in the next street got struck in the storms and basically burnt out the top floor and i lost my PC and internet. Now have new modem but attached to dodgy laptop for now. Still raining and chilly here too - am wearing hiking socks to keep warm..
YAY! You got your camera back! Probably best you didn't go to Glastonbury as now you can get some work done :D

It's crap weather here in Leicester too. Constant rain. The stables are flooded from the ford nearby and there was a used condom washed up in the stables from the river..lovely.:rolleyes:
