As I've just returned from Spain where the temperature was hitting 40 degrees, I was hideously reminded, on arriving back to the UK, that the weather has turned decidedly cooler here (that's an understatement by the way)! Yesterday the rain came down in bucket fulls, the sky was grey and the wind blew (anyone wearing a toupee or wig would have stayed indoors for sure)!
On a more positive note - one of the best things about the cold weather is that you can cover yourself up with layers and get all snuggly and warm in your winter woolies.
Here's a selection of winter items I think would add some colour, comfort and just a bit of glam to warm up a cold, grey day. I'd love to see some of yours
Vintage Faux Fur Blouson Jacket by Jean Louis de Paris
Pea Green Sweater by Nina Austin
Retro 70's Wool Overcoat
Vintage 50's White Rabbit Fur Stole
Vintage 60's Green Wool Suit with Mink Fur Collar
Vintage 30's/40's Silver Fox Fur Collar
On a more positive note - one of the best things about the cold weather is that you can cover yourself up with layers and get all snuggly and warm in your winter woolies.
Here's a selection of winter items I think would add some colour, comfort and just a bit of glam to warm up a cold, grey day. I'd love to see some of yours
Vintage Faux Fur Blouson Jacket by Jean Louis de Paris
Pea Green Sweater by Nina Austin
Retro 70's Wool Overcoat
Vintage 50's White Rabbit Fur Stole
Vintage 60's Green Wool Suit with Mink Fur Collar
Vintage 30's/40's Silver Fox Fur Collar