Thoughts on Two Pins

I found these pins today in a box of jewelry but could use a little help with both. I am hoping that the first is much older than the second but need some date help on both of them. I know nothing about the first one at all. I think I have figured out the second as far as translating the card it came on but cannot figure out date. Have seen other similar pieces on internet but little or no date help. The back looks much newer as far as clasp, etc. It appears to have never been off the card before and is really pretty.

Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated.





The first one does look older but I'm really unsure about it's origin or date. Some pieces are still being made today with C- catches. I "think" it's C. 1930's but I'm really not sure. The second one is Damascene - made in Toledo, Spain. Very hard to date, since, I believe pieces like this are still being made today.

Maureen - your photos are really large. We've been having some problems with the forums today and if you could reduce the size to no larger that 500 pixels wide, it would be much better.

Am not home but will cut down when I get back. They r actually pretty small but came over from photobucket that large. I was suprised they were so large. Let me if I can resize when I get home. Sorry if causing a problem. If necessary just delete my post.

Thanks for input linn.
I don't know as much about jewellery as Linn or many others here, but I'm getting a '20s-30s feel from the first piece (which is lovely, by the way). The second piece looks much more modern, '60s or '70s or as Linn said, even more modern? I wonder if it's souvenir.

Below is from the web resource
"Damaskeening is the application of interlacing gold on iron or steel to produce beautiful decorative designs that has become the trademark of Toledo, Spain for centuries."

Now my 2cents.. my mother-in-law brought back for me from El Corte de Engles' a Damascene demi and the label was labeled as Circa's but it was on white satin quilted card, fancier than the card that came with ms.grossmeyers piece. This was gifted to me in the late 80s.
Thanks all for input. The first pin is really lovely. It caught my eye immediately. The other is also very pretty - much less my style but it was interesting enough that I grabbed for a buck.