Tiny Plastic Coin Purse....date?


VFG Member
I am writing up the description, ect for this little plastic change purse and I need a little help.


It has a plastic orchid attached to the front, small metal chain, and it is only 4 1/4 x 2 1/2 inches.


(I think I will take a picture with coins inside.) Any thoughts on what date category to put it in?

I am still looking for one of those coin purses with all the individual slots for the different types of coins and have never found one in decent shape.

That is really cute, Gail. How tiny is it? Is that a hinge type coin purse? or do you have it sitting on a reflective surface?
The entire purse is made of plastic...even the hinge. Unfortunately, it does have some issues....it is a bit warped where it closes and it will need a little nudge to get the pieces snapped into place correctly....I am so afraid I will break it. The saleslady told me the plastic could be warmed and pressed down, but I am even afraid to do that :BAGUSE: So I will start the bidding at the same price I paid for it. I just think it is darling and would make a nice accesory for someone.

It is cute. I too would be afraid of warming it, especially if I didn't know exactly what the plastic was. I am sure someone will when they inspect it...or maybe they just like it as is.
I may be wrong, but it looks like it's made to accomodate something other than coins. like maybe a notepad, or dance card/like item?