Here's what I've picked up, and I like steaming (therapy and hair curling all at once)....
Steam from the back/inside and let gravity do some of the work when you drag across the fabric.
If it's spitting, the machine probably overfilled or the hose has a drop in it, like a U shape. Try setting the machine a foot or two further away and raising the garment up a smidge to put the hose at a straighter angle. That helps condensation run back down the hose.
Use only distilled water so you don't get hard water stains if there is a drip.
I have heard (not practiced) that you can set your steamer up in a closed room and just let it run to help those bulky items fall out a bit. That's the basic premise behind those new fangled steam chamber things (Whirlpool?), the steam goes into a closed area and just sits.
I've also heard you can put vinegar in a steamer and do this same treatment to get odor out.
Wrap an old cotton T around the head if you are really affraid of spitting.
Oh, and don't steam your fingers. I make sure and test that one every time and it still holds true.
(I use a Conair)