Tips for photographing purple ???

I'm trying to photograph a purple item for the first time. It's a true purple (think Jimi Hendrix, hippie...) velvet monk's dress (coat), but I get a psychedelic acid blue. I'm shooting on a black background. I have two lights and I do not use the flash. I have tried a few variations including shooting with my chandelier lit with the two lights. I've tried different colour settings, but the best (fluorescent) is still no where near the true colour. Any advice would be most appreciated.


PS - It's cotton velvet; so it shimmers, but not as high as rayon would.
Is it possible that you can alter the hues in your photo imaging program to more closely resemble the actual color?

Thanks, Patti. I don't have a sophisticated program like photoshop, yet. If it dries up outside, I'm going to try some outdoor pics and see what happens. Thanks again.
I used to ahve a lot of problems catching reds and purples. Then I got a new camera with a manual white balance. With my old camera though natural lighting seemed to be the way to go. Natural on a overcast day or in the shade worked best for me. I hate the color struggle. Good luck to you!
Thanks so much ladies! Well, it's overcast, but still too wet:( And you just reminded me that I tried every setting EXCEPT the white balance; so there's still hope!

Linda, I remember that dress!!! Come to think of it, I have photographed a purple before, but it had a lot of other colours and although it wasn't exact, it was close enough - I'll try balancing it with something else if the white balance doesn't fly.
Well, after more attempts and several combinations, I've come much closer by using only one spot and putting on "fluorescent". Here's the result and thank you both again for your help and suggestions!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>