Tips on ironing silk please.

I've been ironing silk scarves all morning, but I feel I'm getting no where fast. No matter how long or hard I iron those wrinkles are very persistant! It's a new iron and I have it on the silk setting. I've raised it ever so slightly a few times and I'm afraid to go any higher. I also have it on "dry" setting.

Would there be any harm in putting it on "steam" setting?

Your help and advice will be most appreciated!

Know the feeling.
Are you putting the iron straight onto the silk?
When I iron silk I put a damp cloth over the silk then iron it, sort of steaming it.
Do try on a small piece first
Thanks, Paul! Yes, I was putting the iron right on the silk. Somehow I thought water and silk was a big taboo - or perhaps since I ruined a velvet wedding dress, I'm just petrified of water with anything. I'll try on a so so silk scarf first and see how that goes.