To Launder or not to launder

natalie beauchamp

Registered Guest
Hi, I need some advice on the laundering of Victorian whites. I have a cotton and lace tea dress,and several cotton lawn waists. They are in as found condition ,dingy,usual as found,years of storage condition. For Ebay,do you suggest laundering, or just pressing them out for photos and listing in as found condition?? Thanks, Natalie
Hi Natalie,

Funny you should ask this question as I just got through getting a whole bunch of Victorian whites ready to list.

I did launder and press them all and I think it was well worth the effort. They were all dingy yellow and a bit smelly but now they are bright white, crisp and smell sooo much better.

Wish I had before shots but I don't. Here are pics of the net and voile tops I have shot so far. Tomorrow I hope to take pics of the bloomers and petticoats.





If you are willing to put forth the effort I think the results are worth it, just hoping all that effort translate into $$$$

Whites buyers have alot to choose from and can be picky. Gentle handwashing and pressign is almost mandatory if the garment will take it. It wil make a defininte difference in the sale price.

Thanks for your help,I will launder with care.I had just been to a vintage clothing show a few years back where I had met a woman who was very concerned with using any type of soap/detergent on antique fabric.She wanted only as found things so she could do them herself...Regards,Natalie
I use oxyclean on Edwardian whites all the time and it works very well. Just don't use bleach -- its burns the fibres and makes the white cotton TOO white
Oxyclean is exactly what I use. I soak in oxy and super hot water for a few hours and then rinse several times with cool water. If you iron the pieces while they are still damp the fabric fibers relax much easier and they get a nice crisp look.

Yes, I do have an ironing fetish.

(but don't leave it in oxyclean overnight - just fora little while - i ahve heard that it will eat through the fabric if left for days)
Originally posted by Patentleathershoes
(but don't leave it in oxyclean overnight - just fora little while - i ahve heard that it will eat through the fabric if left for days)

Hmmm...I have never had oxyclean eat anything, even very delicate cottons. I soak for up to 24 hours. I even do direct application with oxyclean mixed with liqid soap as a spot treatment and have not had any incidents. This I do on more sturdy fabrics. Perhaps I have just been lucky. Something to keep in mind.
