Too good to be true


Does anyone ever get so excited about finding a great piece that you practically run to pay for it, only to realize once you get home that there are holes and stains you hadn't noticed?
I swear some stores have special lights that completely hide flaws. :duh2:
Oh, yeah. There should be a blues song about the experience. A vast oral history tradition on the phenomenon is thriving as we speak, fodder for theses of future scholars of social history ...

Aren't you going to tell us what you found? Hmmmm??

Ah, yes.... My stock area is laden with those exciting, but flawed, items that made dollar signs dance before my eyes. Sigh.... Some of them I am sure I will get around to fixing, the ones that aren't fixable I still can't bear to part with. WHAT is wrong with me?
Originally posted by APrizeEveryTime
Aren't you going to tell us what you found? Hmmmm??


Haha, theres too many to name. I always promise myself to be a better inspector, but somehow I always end up finding the issues once I get home. :rolleyes:
You need good lighting - all too often missing in whatever location you're buying stock. I had one of these today: got really excited over a late '60s suit bought at a recent vintage fair. Got it back from the drycleaner today, couldn't see any issues until a customer tries it on and suddenly, there are marks all over it! How did I, and the seller, and the dry cleaner all miss those?


I wonder how many times those type of items get recycled? We buy it, notice the flaws, give it back (unless it's really trash) and then someone else buys it etc...

"What's worse, though, is when I discover the flaws before purchase but still can't help myself from taking it home!"

Did that yesterday - no buttons on a high end coat (I hate it when they do that!) and a much newer one at that, but couldn't resist.
Flaws are part of life. If the item is priced reasonably, I can live with some problems. I can't deal with strong odors, or underarm stains. Some of the deodorants from the past just seem to stay in the fabric. I have to decide whether the dry cleaning may help, or not.

Since I like to pose for fun pictures in my Vintage clothing, I don't need perfection. Sometimes I buy a dress just because I know that I will never see another one like it. I have been known to buy something just so I could hang it on the wall, stare at it, and let my mind wander. If clothing could talk !
