Trip to the Harley Museum


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Well...I didn't really make a trip to sort of came to me.
It was a travelling exhibit.

Questions come up from time to time about different motorcycle jackets so i luckily I had the camera with me. People probably thought I was weird taking pictures of the clothes and not the bikes...

1970. Jacket comes over natural waist.

1919 - Wool

Hits about at just about the waist

Due to a variety of family situations, I have pretty much been a stranger for the past few months, I know....but hopefully things will calm down and I will not be such as much a stranger in the future....

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures :)
The travelling museum is in the trailer of an 18 wheeler. It was in Daytona for Bikeweek, which started March 1st or 2nd. It is touring the country until the museum opens in downtown Milwaukee in 2008. I guess they are going to have Elvis' bike there.

On the internet, these are the only other places I found where it will go:
(robably a lot more places - i just don't know where they are).
March 23rd - Marysville, TN
March 24th - Durango, CO
April 4 - Portland, OR

I don't think its really enough of an exhibit for someone to travel crosscountry to see the travelling museum (but if it happens to be in your town, there are also some vintage tin toys, etc along with the bikes) , but then maybe i underestimate some Harley afficianados, as we happen to ride a differing type of bike. It usually shows up at the really huge motorcycle related events or Harley dealer openings. (i basically have snaps of the clothes that were there, though)

Here is the old Harley that was there - reminded me of a bicycle.


I don't have any more pictures of the bikes from the museum.
I didn't pay attention to helmuts because vintage helmuts aren't something that usually comes up here.
Originally posted by cmpollack
You mean there were WWI-era Harley gangs? (That wool jacket is my favorite--for some reason I'm imagining it with a leather helmet like the old airplane pilots used to wear...)

You know what that bike/jacket reminded me of? Remember the scene from "Lawrence of Arabia" where Peter O'Toole meets his untimely demise? Don't think he was wearing anything like that - I just remember him wearing goggles (i think).
Carrie, that is a must see film. Make sure to get a more recent/restored DVD version rather than a VHS because it is very cinematic. I was lucky enough to see it on the big screen when a theater did a classic movie festival.
Humm... We have a motorcycle museum nearby, and I had never thought that there might be old clothes in it. Now I'll have to pay them a visit! Thanks for sharing, Chris.