Trying to date Miss Dior headpiece/hat - help!


Registered Guest
We've got a vintage Miss Dior headpiece/hat which we're having trouble dating! The label is one of the only ones we've seen which does not have "made by Christian Dior" underneath "Miss Dior" - yet the label and font are the same... if slightly older. Has anyone come across this version of the label before? We think it's late 1940's/1950's but obviously that's not accurate enough!!
It's a headpiece with a plastic hairslide sewn on, the material can be seen in the label image - and it's a large cream flower designed to sit at the side of the head.
Any opinions gratefully received!


I know!! It's my first post and I can't seem to make it smaller... or add a second pic! Any tips?!
I use Gimp free software to edit photos. Or load it to a free service like photobucket.

I'd like to comment on your hat but it's just way too big to even see properly. Sorry..

Okay - I've had another go.

I searched google and found a few - mostly listings on ebay. It looks like they're all from the '50s-'60s so yours may be from that too. If you post a photo of the hat we can probably help you with dating.

LMD, you can edit your post - might be better than having two posts on the same topic (it looks like I posted at the same time and so didn't get your latest comment).

Have added smaller pics to this post too! Apologies for there being two now!! I'll get it right next time :duh2: