Trying to determine a specific year for my Gruau fashion illustration


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I found this fantastic picture at a secondhand shop for $1. I knew nothing about it, but love vintage clothing so had to buy it. Brought it home and after researching discovered that the signature was Rene Gruau. Now, it is not signed so I am not suggesting this is an original Gruau illustration, but I am determined to find out more about it! I cannot find this illustration in any Gruau site or on the internet. I am sure with your vintage clothing knowledge you will be able to help me pinpoint a year from the fashion! I am hoping to connect this drawing with Dior. But more than anything, I am determined to prove wrong the traveling antique valuer who said "it's only worth the $1 you paid for it". 0001WI.jpeg0001Au.jpeg0001y9.jpeg0001Qp.jpeg0001dX.jpeg
The estate of Gruau was selling reprints of his fashion sketches about 10 - 15 years ago. I suspect that is what this is although I don't remember this specific image from the gallery show I saw. The image looks 1953ish to me - maybe Dior?