Trying to identify Brand and Era

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Chatter - Anything and everything' started by Melanie Allen, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Melanie Allen

    Melanie Allen Registered Guest

    Please help identify the brand, material if possible and Era of the following items. The labels have been removed.

    Attached Files:

  2. Hi Melanie, sorry to hear that someone cut out all of the tags. It would be helpful if you could identify the fabrics but I'll do my best.
    1. this is a classic fitted skirt suit, could date from the '50s to the '70s but without knowing fabric, construction or what type of zipper it has, I'll go with early to mid '60s. Rayon would be my guess but might be cotton or silk or wool or a mix of two.
    2. 1980s polyester secretary dress. Would expect smallish shoulder pads.
    3. need a lot more info on this; style is Edwardian but more likely to be '70s. Need to know fabric, construction, lining, findings etc to pin down.
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  3. Melanie Allen

    Melanie Allen Registered Guest

    The shop that did all the alterations for my stepdads mom is actually still in business to this day. How crazy is that!?! Small town USA is awesome and I love it. I am going to take these in to be cleaned and get more information on the items. There's a lot more than this little selection including a Hermès Paris scarf from the 60's that I almost threw away. Thank you for answering my questions.
    The Vintage Merchant likes this.

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