Two Questions - Schiaperelli and Armani

Two very quick questions - my guess is that someone will know quickly.

1. What is this bag? Is it a lingerie bag of some sort? I got for 50 cents at garage sale so figured "what the heck!"

2. Has anyone ever seen a Giorgio Armani scarf with this sort of label? There are not other tags on the scarf. It is very large and feels silk but could be wrong. I am just wondering if it is a fake. Sorry pic so bad but just no way to make it show up well - tried a ton of different angles, lighting, etc. Hoping you can at least get the idea from the pic.

As always, thank you.

Armani Label in following post
I love those Schiaparelli lingerie bags; the printed lace patterns vary. You cannot go wrong; the ones I've seen for sale are generally in the $20 - $30 range.
Here is one that I own:

Can't really tell about the Armani scarf. Do you have a macro setting on your camera perhaps?
I love your bag! Mine with the black lace looks like something you might see at a burlesque joint! :)

Will keep trying with scarf...the name is actually woven into the fabric so it is just hard to get good pic. Will try some different rooms, backgrounds, settings, etc. It is just making curious.

Thank you both! I knew I would get quick responses.
new pics of armani name and scarf

trying again here - first two are different angles of Armani name - hopefully you can see a little better but I am still not getting great pics. Third photo is of the pattern just to give ou an idea.

Not sure if this will get resolved but this forum is the best place I can think of to find out! Thanks All!